问安 wèn’ān [pay one’s respects(usu.to elders);wish one"s elders good health] 向尊长询问安好 问案 wèn’àn [try a case;hear a case] 审问案件;问询案情 问卜 wènbǔ [divine;consult fortune tellers] 用算卦来解决疑难(迷信) 求神问卜 问长问短 wèncháng-wènduǎn [take the trouble to make detailed inquiries] 仔细地从各方面探问 待考的人都围上他,问长问短 问答 wèndá [questions and answers] 提问和回答 问道于盲 wèndàoyúmáng [ask the way from a blind person;seek enlightenment from one who can offer none as one who asks a blind man the way] 向瞎子问路,比喻向一无所知的人求教 问鼎 wèndǐng [entertain a high ambition to be first-rate or the champion] 春秋时、楚庄王陈兵于洛水,向周王朝示威。周派使者慰劳,“楚子(楚庄王)问鼎之大小轻重”,意思是说楚庄王有夺取周朝天下的意思(见《左传·宣公三年》)。后来用“问鼎”指图谋夺取政权,也指在某方面取胜 有问鼎之心,帝畏而恶之。——《晋书·王敦传》 问寒问暖 wènhán-wènnuǎn [ask after sb.’s health with deep concern] 经常询问别人的生活情况,形容十分关切 问好 wènhǎo [send one"s regards to;say hello to] 询问安好,表示关切 问号 wènhào (1) [question mark;interrogation point]∶即符号“?”。表示疑问的标点符号 (2) [unknown factor;unsolved problem]∶指疑问;可疑的问题 这部引起争论的电影的未来至少到今天为止还是一个问号 问候 wènhòu [send one"s regards to;extend greetings to] 问安;问好 致以亲切的问候 问话 wènhuà [inquire] 询问;质问 警察局找你问话 问津 wènjīn [make inquiries;have interest in] 打听渡口,引申为探求途径或尝试 使子路问津焉。——《论语·微子》 遂无问津者。——晋·陶渊明《桃花源记》 无人问津 问柳寻花 wènliǔ-xúnhuā [visit willow and look for flowers—frequent brothels] 玩赏春日美景;冶游花街柳巷,戏嫖押妓。又作“寻花问柳” 问名 wènmíng [frequent brothels] 中国旧时婚姻礼节,在婚前男家把写有询问女方名字和生辰八字内容的书札派人送到女家 问难 wènnàn [query and argue again and again;test with difficult questions] 反复辩难 质疑问难 问世 wènshì (1) [be published]∶指新作品出版跟人们见面 (2) [come out]∶指新产品跟人们见面 问事 wènshì (1) [inquire]∶问询信息 问事台 (2) [bother about something]∶过问具体事务 科长从不问事 问题 wèntí (1) [question;issue;problem]∶要求回答或解答的题目 这类问题不好答复 (2) [matters]∶需要解决的矛盾、疑难 争论的问题本来是微不足道的 (3) [trouble;difficulty;mishap]∶事故;麻烦 他们那里老出问题 (4) [key]∶关键;要点 重要的问题在于学习 问心 wènxīn [examine oneself] 反省、检查自己的良心 我已尽全力,即使失败,我也问心无愧 问心无愧 wènxīn-wúkuì [have a clear conscience;feel no qualms upon selfexamination] 心地光明坦白,毫无愧疚 问询 wènxún [ask about] 关切地探问 很多同学前来问询高考成绩 问讯 wènxùn (1) [inquire]∶询问或打听 幸可广问讯。——《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》 咸来问讯。——晋·陶渊明《桃花源记》 问讯处 (2) [greet]∶问候 彼此见礼问讯 (3) [put the palms together (a Buddhist greeting)]∶僧尼跟人应酬时合十招呼。也叫“打问讯” 问斩 wènzhǎn [behead] 旧时指被处以杀头的刑罚 问字 wènzì [ask;inquire] 请教学问 闻道携壺来问字。——苏轼诗 客来问字莫载酒。——黄庭坚《谢送碾壑源栋芽》 问罪 wènzuì [denounce;condemn] 公开宣布对方的罪过,加以谴责 兴师问罪