攀比 pānbǐ [compare unrealistically] 向高水平比较(多指不顾客观条件的行为) 互相攀比增长速度 攀缠 pānchán (1) [intertwine;knot]∶纠缠 满山坡各种各样的热带植物拥塞着,攀缠着 (2) [wind]∶缠绕 葛藤攀缠着老树 攀扯 pānchě [implicate] 牵连;拉扯(旧时多指牵连别人获罪);高攀 攀登 pāndēng (1) [climb]∶抓住或握住某物向上爬 攀登悬崖 (2) [fear neither hardship nor danger and keep forging ahead]∶比喻不畏艰险,积极进取 攀附 pānfù [seek connections in high places] 援引而上;附着东西往上爬,比喻投靠有权势的人,以求升官发财或得到某种好处 设令守无巧拙,皆可攀附。——陈琳《为曹洪与魏公子书》 攀高结贵 pāngāo-jiéguì [attach oneself to persons in power] 泛指依附权势谋取功名利禄 攀高枝儿 pān gāozhīr [make friends or claim ties of kinship with someone of a higher social position] 指跟社会地位比自己高的人交朋友或结成亲戚。有的地区说“巴高枝儿” 攀高枝儿 pān gāozhīr (1) [put oneself under the patronage of a big wig]∶有时候比喻人想往高处攀,近似“攀龙附凤” 何满子的爷爷虚荣心强,好攀高枝儿 (2) [go to a better place]∶指不安心工作,想到条件好的地方去 不好好干,请!攀高枝儿去! 攀供 pāngòng [make false confession by telling on innocent people] 谓犯人诬供以牵连他人 攀桂 pāngguì [pass civil examination] 折桂。喻指科举登第 攀花折柳 pānhuā-zhéliǔ [injure flowers and willows] 花、柳:指妓女。喻指男子狎妓 攀话,攀话儿 pānhuà,pānhuàr [chitchat] [方]∶互相闲谈;交谈 他很随和,谁都喜欢跟他攀话儿 攀龙附凤 pānlóng-fùfèng [play up to people of power and influence;put oneself under the patronage of a bigwig] 龙,凤:比喻有权有势的人。喻指为获名利而去巴结投靠有权有势的人 攀龙附凤,驰骛之秋。——《三国志·鲁肃传》 攀配 pānpèi [establish matrimonial tie with people of higher social position] 高攀结亲 门不当户不对,咱怎么攀配得起 攀亲 pānqīn (1) [claim kinship]∶拉亲戚关系 攀亲道故 (2) [arrange a match] [方]∶议婚;定婚 攀谈 pāntán [engage in small talk;chitchat] 拉扯闲谈 主人走上前去和两个沉默的客人攀谈 攀援 pānyuán (1) [escalade;climb;clamber]∶抓住或依附他物而移动 (2) [invoke;quote;cite]∶援引提拔;支持。援用,引用 (3) [climb the social ladder through pull]∶追随,依附 攀缘 pānyuán (1) [climb]∶援引他物而上,攀拉援引 (2) [climb the social ladder through pull]∶比喻投靠有钱有势的人往上爬 (3) [ramble]∶蔓延地生长 (4) [pull]∶牵挽 攀缘白珠树 pānyuánbáizhūshù [creeping snowberry]热带美洲的一种平卧木质藤本植物(Caultheria hisppidula),浆果白色 攀辕卧辙 pānyuán-wòzhé [pull shaft of a cart and drop to the rut] 拉住车辕,横卧车道,予以挽留 攀摘 pānzhāi [pick] 爬到高处摘取下来 攀摘枝头的野果 攀折 pānzhé [pull down and break off(twigs,etc.)] 拉断,折取 请勿攀折花木 攀枝花 pānzhīhuā (1) [silk cotton flower]∶木棉花的别称 (2) [Panzhihua,in Sichuan province]∶地名,在四川