2014年“国家自然科学基金-优秀青年科学基金”及2017年上海市“优秀学术带头人计划”。主要研究多能干细胞生物学,分子心脏医学和心血管疾病机制及器官间对话的分子机制等中西医结合研究。在斯坦福大学留学期间率先建立了脂肪干细胞重编程为诱导多能干细胞的新方法 (PNAS, 2009, 引用: 585次)。首次建立了人类家族遗传性扩张型心肌病诱导多能干细胞的模型并进行了疾病新机制的研究 (Science Translational Medicine, 2012,引用: 507次)。回国后建立了人类诱导多能干细胞分化来源的心室肌细胞的纯化新技术,制备了可用于移植的人造人类心室肌组织,拓展了生物新材料治疗人类心肌梗塞的应用研究 (Biomaterials, 2016,Nature Biomedical Engineering 2019);开拓了家族遗传性心肌病基因治疗的临床前转化研究等。已发表包括Nature Biomedical Engineering, Science Translational Medicine, Nature Methods, Cell Stem Cell等杂志在内的SCI论文50余篇,论文被引用2000余次,申请美国专利两项,中国专利三项。
2002/08 - 2008/08,美国爱荷华州立大学,分子细胞发育生物学系,博士
1995/09 - 2000/06,复旦大学,医学院临床医学专业,学士
2008/07 - 2013/02,美国斯坦福大学,医学院医学系,博士后
2000/07 - 2002/06,复旦大学,医学院病理生理学系,研究助理
1. 中国病理生理学会理事
2. 中国微循环协会理事
3. 中国生物物理学会理事
4. 安徽省干细胞临床研究专家委员会特邀顾问
5. 上海市病理生理学会理事
6. 上海市生理学会理事
1. Li E, Li X, Huang J, Xu C, Liang Q, Ren K, Bai A, Lu C*, Qian R*, Sun N*. BMAL1 regulates mitochondrial fission and mitophagy through mitochondrial protein BNIP3 and is critical in the development of dilated cardiomyopathy. Protein Cell, 2020, Accepted.
2. Yufan Zheng#, Baiping Cui#, Wenrui Sun, Sining Wang, Xu Huang, Han Gao, Fei Gao, Yanpeng An, Xiaobo Li*, Ning Sun*. Potential Crosstalk between Liver and Extra-liver Organs in Mouse Models of Acute Liver Injury. International Journal of Biological Science, 2020,16(7):1166-79.
3. Lin X, Liu Y, Bai A, Cai H, Bai Y, Jiang W, Yang H, Wang X, Yang L*, Sun N*, Gao H*. A viscoelastic adhesive epicardial patch for treating myocardial infarction. Nature Biomedical Engineering, 2019, 3(8):632-643. (同行评论)
4. Cui B, Zheng Y, Sun N*. Repair of Adult Mammalian Heart after Damages by Oral Intake of Gu Ben Pei Yuan San. Frontiers in Physiology, 2019, May 22; 10:607.
5. Yang H, Wei L, Liu C, Zhong W, Li B, Chen, Han R, Zhuang J, Qu JX, Tao H, Chen H, Wang W*, Sun N*. Engineering Human Ventricular Heart Tissues Based on Macroporous Iron Oxide Scaffolds. Acta Biomaterialia, 2019, 88:540-553.
6. Cui B, Zheng Y, Sun L, Shi T, Shi Z, Wang L, Huang G*, Sun N*. Heart Regeneration in Adult Mammals after Myocardial Damage. Acta Cardiologica Sinica, 2018, 34(2): 115-123.
7. Zhan Y, Sun X, Li B, Cai H, Xu C, Liang Q, Lu C, Qian R, Chen S, Yin L, Sheng W, Huang G, Sun A*, Ge J*, Sun N*. Establishment of a PRKAG2 Cardiac Syndrome Disease Model and Mechanism Study Using Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2018, 13(117):49-61.
8. Li B, Yang H, Wang X, Zhan Y, Sheng W, Cai H, Xin H, Liang Q, Zhou P, Lu C, Qian R, Chen S, Yang P, Zhang J, Shou W, Huang G*, Liang P*, Sun N*. Engineering human ventricular heart muscles based on a highly efficient system for purification of human pluripotent stem cell-derived ventricular cardiomyocytes. Stem Cells Res Ther, 2017, 8(1):202.
9. Wang Q, Yang H, Bai A, Jiang W, Li X, Wang X, Mao Y, Lu C, Qian R, Guo F, Ding T, Chen H, Chen S, Zhang J, Liu C, Sun N*. Functional engineered human cardiac patches prepared from natures platform improve heart function after acute myocardial infarction. Biomaterials, 2016, 105: 52-65
10. Chao Lu, Yang Yang, Ran Zhao, Bingxuan Hua, Chen Xu, Zuoqin Yan, Ning Sun*, Ruizhe Qian*. Role of Circadian gene Clock during Differentiation of Mouse Pluripotent Stem Cells. Protein & Cell. 2016, 7:820-32.封面文章(Cover Article)
11. Liang Q, Xu C, Chen X, Li X, Lu C, Zhou P, Yin L, Qian R, Chen S, Ling Z, Sun N*. The roles of Mesp family proteins: functional diversity and redundancy in differentiation of pluripotent stem cells and mammalian mesodermal development. Protein & Cell. 6:553-61,2015.
12. Zhao Q, Cai H, Zhan Y, Li B, Sun N*. Applications of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells in the Investigation of Inherited Cardiomyopathy. Int J Cardiol. 15;177(2):604-6, 2014.
13. Sun N, Yazawa M, Liu J, Han L, Sanchez-Freire V, Abilez OJ, Navarrete EG, Hu S, Wang L, Lee A, Pavlovic A, Lin S, Chen R, Hajjar RJ, Snyder MP, Dolmetsch RE, Butte MJ, Ashley EA, Longaker MT, Robbins RC, Wu JC*. Patient-Specific Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell as A Model for Familial Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Science Translational Medicine. 4(130): 130ra47, 2012. 封面文章(Cover Article)
14. Liu J#, Sun N#, Bruce MA, Wu JC, Butte MJ*. Atomic Force Mechanobiology of Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes. Plos ONE. 7(5): e37559, 2012. #共同第一作者(Co-first Author)
15. Sun N, Longaker MT, Wu JC*. Human iPS Cell-Based Therapy: Considerations before clinical applications. Cell Cycle. 9(5): 1-6, 2010.
16. Sun N, T.W. Huiatt, Z. Li, D. Paulin, R.M. Robson*. Human synemin interacts with the LIM domain protein zyxin and is essential for cell adhesion and migration. Exp Cell Res. 316(3): 491-505, 2010. 重点突出文章(Highlighted Article)
17. Sun N, Lee A, Wu JC*. Long term non-invasive imaging of embryonic stem cells using reporter genes. Nature Protocols. 4(8): 1192-1201, 2009.
18. Sun N, Panetta NJ, Gupta DM, Wilson KD, Lee A, Jia F, Hu S, Cherry AM, Robbins RC, Longaker MT, Wu JC*. Feeder-free derivation of induced pluripotent stem cells from adult human adipose stem cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 106(37): 15720-15725, 2009.
19. Sun N, Critchley DR, Li Z, Paulin D, Robson RM*. Human Alpha-Synemin Interacts Directly with Vinculin and Metavinculin. Biochem J. 409: 657-667, 2008. 获同行评价 (Editorial Commentary)
20. Sun N, Critchley DR, Li Z, Paulin D, Robson RM*. Identification of a Repeated Domain within Mammalian Alpha-Synemin that Interacts Directly with Talin. Exp Cell Res. 314: 1839-1849, 2008.
21. Yuan G, Hua B, Cai T, Li E, Huang Y, Sun N, Yan Z, Lu C, Qian R. Clock mediates liver senescence by controlling ER stress. Aging 2017, 9:2647-2665
22. Zhu, Z., Hua, B., Shang, Z., Yuan, G., Xu, L., Li, E., Li, X., Sun, N., Yan, Z., Qian, R., and Lu, C. Altered Clock and Lipid Metabolism-Related Genes in Atherosclerotic Mice Kept with Abnormal Lighting Condition. BioMed research international 2016, 5438589
23. Zhu, Z., Hua, B., Xu, L., Yuan, G., Li, E., Li, X., Sun, N., Yan, Z., Lu, C., and Qian, R. CLOCK promotes 3T3-L1 cell proliferation via Wnt signaling. IUBMB life 2016, 68:557-568
24. Song Y, Zhang C, Zhang J, Sun N, Huang K, Li H, Wang Z, Huang K, Wang L. An injectable silk sericin hydrogel promotes cardiac functional recovery after ischemic myocardial infarction. Acta Biomater. 2016, 41:210-23.
25.Jiang L, Yin M, Wei X, Liu J, Wang X, Niu C, Kang X, Xu J, Zhou Z, Sun S, Wang X, Zheng X, Duan S, Yao K, Qian R, Sun N, Chen A, Wang R, Zhang J, Chen S, Meng D. Bach1 Represses Wnt/β-Catenin Signaling and Angiogenesis. Circ Res. 117(4):364-75, 2015.
26. Wang L, Xu C, Zhu Y, Yu Y, Sun N, Zhang X, Feng K, Qin J. Human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived beating cardiac tissues on paper. Lab on a Chip. 15:4283-90, 2015.
27. Wang L, Chen B, Wang Y, Sun N, Lu C, Qian R, Hua L. hClock gene expression in human colorectal carcinoma. Mol Med Rep. 8(4):1017-22, 2013.
28. Gao Y, Meng D, Sun N, Zhu Z, Zhao R, Lu C, Chen S, Hua L, Qian R. Clock upregulates intercellular adhesion molecule-1 expression and promotes mononuclear cells adhesion to endothelial cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun.443(2):586-91, 2014.
29. Wang Y, Qian R, Sun N, Lu C, Chen Z, Hua L.Circadian gene hClock enhances proliferation and inhibits apoptosis of human colorectal carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo. Mol Med Rep. 11(6):4204-10, 2015.
30. Narsinh HK, Sun N, Lee AS, Almeida P, Hu S, Jan T, Wilson KD, Leong D, Rosenberg J, Yao M, Wu JC*. Single cell transcriptional profiling reveals heterogeneity of human induced pluripotent stem cells. Journal of Clinical Investigation. 121(3): 1217-21, 2011.
31. Wilson KD, Sun N, Huang M, Zhang WY, Lee AS, Li Z, Wang SX, Wu JC*. Effects of ionization on self-renewal and pluripotency of human embryonic stem cells. Cancer Res. 70 (13): 5539-48, 2010.
32. Zhao H, Sun N, Young SR, Nolley R, Santos J, Wu JC, Peehl DM*. Induced pluripotency of human prostatic epithelial cells. PLoS One. 22;8(5):e64503, 2013.
33. Jia F, Wilson KD, Sun N, Gupta DM, Huang M, Li Z, Panetta NJ, Chen ZY, Robbins RC, Kay MA, Longaker MT, Wu JC*. A nonviral minicircle vector for deriving human iPS cells. Nature Methods. 7 (3): 197-9, 2010.
34. Wang Y, Zhang WY, Hu S, Lan F, Lee AS, Huber B, Lisowski L, Liang P, Huang M, de Almeida PE, Won JH, Sun N, Robbins RC, Kay MA, Urnov FD, Wu JC*. Genome Editing of Human Embryonic Stem Cells and Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells with Zinc Finger Nuclease for Cellular Imaging. Circ Res. 111:1494-1503, 2012.
35. Taylor RE, Kim K, Sun N, Park SJ, Sim JY, Fajardo G, Bernstein D, Wu JC, Pruitt BL*. Sacrificial layer technique for axial force post assay of immature cardiomyocytes. Biomedical Microdevices. 2012 Sep 25.
36. Levi B, Hyun JS, Montoro DT, Lo DD, Chan CK, Hu S, Sun N, Lee M, Grova M, Connolly AJ, Wu JC, Gurtner GC, Weissman IL, Wan DC, Longaker MT*. In vivo directed differentiation of pluripotent stem cells for skeletal regeneration. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 109, 20379-84, 2012.
37. Pearl J, Leveson-Gower D, Lee A, Sun N, Negrin R, Wu JC*. Leukocyte Costimulatory Molecule Blockade Permits Allogeneic and Xenogeneic Engraftment of Pluripotent Stem Cells. Cell Stem Cell 8(3): 309-17, 2011.
38. Hammerick KE, Huang Z, Sun N, Lam MT, Prinz FB, Wu JC, Commons GW, Longaker MT*. Elastic Properties of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Tissue Eng Part A. 17(3-4): 495-502, 2011.
39. Levi B, James AW, Nelson ER, Hu S, Sun N, Peng M, Wu J, Longaker MT*. Studies in adipose-derived stromal cells: migration and participation in repair of cranial injury after systemic injection. Plast Reconstr Surg. 127 (3): 1130-40, 2011.
40. Hu S, Huang M, Li Z, Jia F, Ghosh Z, Lijkwan MA, Fasanaro P, Sun N, Wang X, Martelli F, Robbins RC, Wu JC*. MicroRNA-210 as a Novel Therapy for Treatment of Ischemic Heart Disease. Circulation 122: S124-31, 2010.
41. Wilson KD, Hu S, Venkatasubrahmanyam S, Fu JD, Sun N, Abilez OJ, Baugh JJ, Jia F, Ghosh Z, Li RA, Butte AJ, Wu JC*. Dynamic MicroRNA Expression Programs during Cardiac Differentiation of Human Embryonic Stem Cells: Role for miR-499. Circ Cardiovasc Genet. 3(5): 426-35, 2010.
42. Chen MQ, Xie X, Wilson KD, Sun N, Giovangrandi L, Wu JC, Kovacs GT*. Current-controlled electrical point-source stimulation of embryonic stem cells. Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering. 2009; 2(4) 625-635, 2009.
43. Wilson KD, Venkatasubrahmanyam S, Jia F, Sun N, Butte AJ, Wu JC*. MicroRNA profiling of human-induced pluripotent stem cells. Stem Cells and Development. 18(5): 749-58, 2009.
44. 盐酸克伦特罗对人类诱导多能干细胞来源心肌细胞的毒性作用。杨慧;吴劭一;毛益申;王青洁;刘琛;周奕;孙宁。 《微循环学杂志》, 04:15-86, 2015.